Why you should take an improv class

Improvisational theatre or improv is the world’s oldest art form, older than novels, older than paintings even. We can be reasonably certain it started back in cro-magnon times when the first people stood up to act out the story which had happened to them earlier in the day.

It is an art form that I fell in love with. I love how one never masters it and even the masters become rusty quickly when they stop playing.

Improv is collaborative story telling and I believe anyone can do it.

The thing is doing improv is good for you. It is good for your mental health and your physical health as well. I have seen the results first hand over and over again. I have seen confidence increase radically in people in mere weeks. I have seen social anxiety lessen and communication barriers destroyed.

Reasons to take an improv class are many and include:

Sharpened acting skills

Increased self confidence

More effective communication skills

Improvements in public speaking

Boost in self awareness

People who do improv are happier and more comfortable with who they are.

I hope you get the chance to experience the fun!